About Us
Pyksis assists innovation companies to maximise their business potential in both the Australian and international markets. Our expertise covers a wide range of sectors, from agri-business, advanced manufacturing, ICT, engineering, transport, food & food processing, through to environmental and sustainable technologies. Our services are supported by proven mentoring programs, capital raising, targeted grant applications and effective business networks. We provide the tools necessary to meet the challenges of commercialisation and business growth.

Pyksis is derived from the Greek name ‘Pyxis’ for the Mariners’ Star which provides the guidance in traversing unchartered waters. We have adopted this symbol to epitomise the assistance that Pyksis provides to its client companies on their journey to success. We work with innovative SMEs, corporates, government and government agencies to take Australian innovations to the national and international marketplace. We specialise in assisting fast-growth opportunities irrespective of the technology field.

Key Objectives
We work with our client companies to maximise their returns from innovations and to fast-track company growth. In working with government and government agencies our objectives are to deliver programs that seek to increase investment, jobs, wealth and exports.

Our Services
We work closely with you and your team through the challenging stages of your company growth. We are there for the long haul with you and through the integrated range of services that we and our Alliance Partners can provide, you are assured of continuity in the provision of specialist support. Our services include capital raisings, grant applications, go-to-market, business and intellectual property strategies, underpinned by mentoring and learning programs in commercialisation. Further information on how we can assist you is provided on our Services page.

Pyksis Track Record
We work extensively with innovators, SMEs, corporates and government agencies in building value into innovative organisations. We work with hundreds of Australian companies to improve their business prospects. We successfully target venture capital and private equity for growth as well as a suite of State and Federal Government grants such as COMET (Commercialising Emerging Technologies), sustainability grants and R&D Tax Concession. We also target the Federal Government’s new grants programs such as Climate Ready and energy efficiency opportunities.

Tailored Commercialisation Programs
We also deliver specifically tailored commercialisation programs for various State and Federal Government departments including Victoria’s Department of Innovation, Industry & Regional Development, South Australia’s Department of Trade and Economic Development, ACT Government’s Chief Ministers Department and the Federal Government’s Department of Industry, Tourism & Recourses.