Learning Services
For companies to be successful in the difficult field of commercialisaiton it is important that they engage in continual business skills upgrade through 'enterprise learning'. Pyksis has found that the most effective and enduring form of acquiring those skills is through hands-on group learning programs.
The Learning Services suite that has been developed by Pyksis brings together key elements in market research and marketing, intellectual property, legal, corporate and taxation, financial analysis and strategy and team development. These key elements have been further strengthened through further learning elements dealing with sustainability, emissions and carbon footprinting.
Pyksis has successfully delivered learning programs for private organisations as well as government agencies including the Department of Innovation, Industry & Regional Development (Vic), Regional Development Victoria, Chief Ministers Department (ACT), AusIndustry and the Department of Trade and Economic Development (SA).
The Pyksis experienced-based diagnostics enable you to determine where you are on the commercialisation pathway and from that what you need to do to ensure your future success. Our diagnostic methods also identify areas of weakness in your corporate strategy, highlighting what actions you need to take to bridge those gaps.

Innovation Programs
As Peter Drucker has pointed out, two of the most important actions that a successful company needs to undertake are to continually innovate and successfull market its products and services. We can assist companies to strenghten their innovation programs, and for those companies that have been caught in fulfilling demands of supply chains, we can assist you to develop an innovative culture to underpin a future and sustainable success.

Commercialisation Programs
The Pyksis Explorer and Pioneer Programs are intensive, hands-on enterprise group learning program based strongly on experience. They map out in detail the pathway to commercial success and positions you on that pathway while equipping you with the tools and directions for you to understand the steps you need to take to achieve commercial success.

Climate Change Programs
These may be delivered as stand-alone programs dealing with the issues of sustainable practices, emmissions, carbon footprinting, recycling and so forth or they may be integrated into the delivery of the Pyksis Pioneer program. Either way you will be equipped with an understanding of what your company needs to do to minimise its environmental impact including carbon footprint, and how it can competitively position itself in the commercial marketplace.

In-house programs for Government & Corporate
Pyksis can deliver specialised corporate and governmental learning programs tailored to meet the needs of particular industry sectors drawing on its well proven methodologies in the Explorer and Pioneer programs; for instance where an industry needs to meet the challenges of the global marketplace through effective innovation and collaboration, programs can be customised to coach companies to be globally competitive.