“A business is sustainable if it has adapted its practices for the use of renewable resources and is accountable for the environmental impacts of its activities.”
In a world that is increasingly constrained by limited resources and the need to reduce dependence on fossil fuels the companies of the future will be those that best meet and deal with these twin challenges.
For those companies that take a proactive approach, not only will you become more competitive but in many instances you can also expect to make significant savings while expanding your business reach.
We can provide specialist assistance and support for your business in making those vital steps.

Water Conservation
Pyksis has deep industry knowledge and experience in the application of strategies for water management including treatment, recycling and conservation, at both the large industrial level and for small business operations.
Whether your need is to commercialise new water technologies or to gain access to technologies that will improve efficiencies and maintain viability of your operations, Pyksis can provide you with special assistance to achieve those goals.

Waste Minimisation
A first step in waste minimisation is to benchmark your business’ current operations through an audit that provides a clear picture of your current waste generation and its impact on your profitability. By working with our specialist Alliance Partners we identify and measure wastes produced at all stages of your operations, including treatment and disposal costs. In many instances wastes can be reused or recycled within the same process or used in another process in a different way.
There are many benefits that accrue from reducing waste and these include:
- saving resources and energy,
- increasing the efficiency of production,
- reducing pollution, and
- reducing demand for landfill space,
Waste minimisation also has ramifications for your carbon footprint and your ability to remain competitive in the supply chain (refer to further comments under ‘Carbon Footprint’)

Energy Audits
The old saying was “there are only two certain things in life – death and taxes”. Under a carbon constrained economy we can now add a third; “the price of energy will increase”.
As energy is a vital component of all companies’ operations it is crucial that you understand where, how and to what extent your business uses energy and how this can be reduced without adversely affecting your operations.
This can be best done by conducting a comprehensive energy audit which in most cases will identify areas of significant savings for your business.
Pyksis and our Alliance Partners deliver a comprehensive service in both energy audits and strategies for savings through more efficient use of energy within your operations.

Carbon Footprint
Companies will be obliged to report on what steps they have taken to measure and reduce their carbon footprint, whether captured under mandatory reporting requirements of the NGER Act (2007) or not. In fact, actions taken to deal with the carbon footprint will form an essential part of a company’s Annual Report, as it will affect both the company’s budget/profitability and its market competitiveness.
Your carbon footprint is the measure of the impact of your activities on the environment in terms of the greenhouse gases (GHG) that it produces (the six main greenhouse gases being reported in terms of their carbon dioxide equivalent or CO2E).
Typically your carbon footprint is measured in three categories:
Scope 1: Direct emissions such as evidenced through gas bills, use of company cars etc
Scope 2: Indirect emissions from electricity purchased e.g. as evidenced through electricity bills
Scope 3: Other indirect emissions such as plane travel, paper and consumables, waste data etc
Pyksis and our Alliance Partners deliver a comprehensive carbon footprint analysis for your business that will be an essential first step in maintaining or improving your market competitiveness as well as assisting you to reduce operating costs.